The Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports also explained on the ministry’s 3 other strategic foci.


The fourth strategy is Strengthening Self Identity and Patriotism as the Core of the Country’s Development Based on the Malay Islamic Monarchy, MIB. Based on the performance of the ministry’s strategic plan 2020-2024, 40 projects through 5 major programmes have been completed and implemented. The ministry will continue the efforts to update and improve the Cultural Ecosystem through the Whole of Nation approach.


The next strategy is enhancing an Inclusive and Excellent Sports Ecosystem. The strategy aims to create a stable environment for athletes, develop sports that have the potential to win medals based on the country’s needs, polish talents and develop conducive facilities and ensure sports inclusivity for all.


Maximising the Use of Technology and Infrastructure is the sixth strategy. The ministry will enhance service delivery by benefitting from applications and digital technology as well as best practices such as optimising the National Welfare System, SKN in formulating intervention programmes and policies.




Source: Radio Television Brunei

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