The Entry Exit System, EES

Several updates to the Entry Exit System, EES, have been made including the EES account registration process, complete information of traveling public and also make Service Charge, CAP payment online. In an interview with Senior Customs Superintendent of Belait and Tutong District Branch explained that EES is an upgraded Vehicle Exit/Entry System, VES, which previously VES was used to register online for vehicles exiting or entering Brunei Darussalam through Land Control Posts.

The EES was implemented on 1st October 2020. The public who have yet to make an EES application, should register an EES account first.

417,565 vehicles were recorded Exiting and Entering the country through EES of the Royal Customs and Excise Department at five Land Control Posts, Immigration and National Registration Department since its implementation in October 2020.

Source: Radio Television Brunei