LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. arrived in Los Angeles on Saturday (Manila time), following his participation in the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Meeting in San Francisco. The President's plane touched down at the Los Angeles International Airport at 12:11 a.m. (PH time), as reported by Communications Secretary Cheloy Garafil.

According to Philippines News Agency, during his stay in Los Angeles, President Marcos is scheduled to meet with members of the Filipino community, business leaders, and other entities. This visit is part of the second leg of his week-long trip to the United States.

After Los Angeles, President Marcos plans to travel to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he will engage with the Filipino community and visit a defense facility and training center of the US Pacific territory.

Reflecting on his APEC participation, President Marcos described the summit as 'very successful.' He highlighted discussions on climate change, artificial intelligence, food security, and energy security, emphasizing the roles that various economies can play in addressing these challenges. The President commended the United States for its effective chairmanship of the Leaders' Meeting.

However, President Marcos mentioned a 'missed opportunity' to meet with Tesla CEO Elon Musk to discuss potential investments in the Philippines. The planned meeting did not materialize as Musk fell ill. Despite this, President Marcos remains optimistic about future discussions with Musk, particularly regarding battery technology and the manufacturing of fully electric vehicles.

Additionally, the President's schedule did not permit a meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau due to the extended duration of the APEC meeting.

Looking ahead to his visit to Hawaii, President Marcos expressed anticipation in reconnecting with 'old friends' from his time in exile after the 1986 People Power Revolution. He reminisced about the hospitality and support his family received during their stay in Hawaii, acknowledging the significance of those relationships.

President Marcos also addressed the historical context of his family's time in Hawaii, clarifying that he holds no blame towards those who ousted his father from power and stating that they do not need his forgiveness.

The President is scheduled to return to the Philippines on November 20.

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