International Mu’tamar Fiqh Al-Usrah 2022

A family that carries out all Islamic jurisprudence will obtain peace and blessings from Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Such status cannot be achieved through knowledge alone as it requires a concept of learning regardless before or after marriage. The matters were stressed by Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Seri Maharaja Dato Paduka Seri Setia Doctor Ustaz Haji Awang Abdul Aziz bin Juned, the State Mufti while tabling a Premier Paper at the International Mu'tamar Fiqh Al-Usrah 2022, Muafiq 22, yesterday morning. Yang Berhormat further emphasized that the Islamic laws must be held to be practiced in family life.

Muafiq 22 continued with the presentation of key papers via online presented by Dr. Md Noor bin Saper, Deputy Dean of HEPA, Faculty of Human Development, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris Malaysia with the title 'Pendekatan kaunseling Syar'ie untuk keharmonian rumahtangga'. Meanwhile, Professor Doctor Haji Abdul Somad Batubara, Owner of Pesantren Tahfizh Al-Quran Az-Zahra Riau, Indonesia presented the paper titled 'Pendidikan ugama dalam keluarga'. The Mu'tamar themed, 'Pendidikan Ugama Teras Keluarga Bahagia Lagi Sempurna' or Religious Education, the Core of a Harmonious and Perfect Family'.

Source: Radio Television Brunei