
Statistics of Meat Seized 2021-2022

More than 5,900 kilogrammes of raw meat with dubious halal status were seized last year. The number has decreased from over 14,000 kilogrammes in 2021. The seized meat were the outcome from jointly-conducted operations by the Halal Food Control Division, Syariah Affairs Department, Ministry of Religious Affairs and other enforcement agencies as well as smuggling cases under the Halal Meat Act, Chapter 183.

Based on the statistics of meat seized by the Halal Food Control Division, Syariah Affairs Department, more than 3,500 kilogrammes of raw meat with dubious halal status were seized in Brunei Muara District LAST YEAR. Meanwhile, 146 kilogrammes were seized in Belait District, whereas in Temburong District, over 2 thousand kilogrammes of raw meat seized. No case was recorded in Tutong District last year.

The Halal Food Control Division, Syariah Affairs Department along with other enforcement agencies will continue to carry out operations and monitoring from time to time to ensure that the provisions under the Halal Meat Act, Chapter 183 are always complied with by distributors and sellers of raw meat in the country. The public is reminded that halal meat brought into the country must obtain permission from the Brunei Islamic Religious Council by adhering to the set procedure.

Source: Radio Television Brunei

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