
Closing Of National Literature Symposium 2023

The National Literature Symposium 2023 in conjunction with Brunei Darussalam’s 39th National Day Anniversary ended yesterday afternoon with the Official Closing Ceremony by achieving NINE resolutions. Among other things, the resolution outlines that in the struggle for nationalism, many works that have elements of patriotism, love for the nation and the country can be highlighted. The event was held at Balai Sarmayuda of the Language and Literature Bureau.

Present was Pengiran Haji Mohd Hasnan bin Pengiran Haji Ali Hassan, Permanent Secretary for Culture at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. 13 papers were tabled throughout the symposium which highlighted views and thoughts related to the spirit of nationalism and Bruneian values including relating it to education.

In the second session earlier this morning, three working papers were presented that focused on the services and contributions of Allahyarham Dato Paduka Haji Muslim bin Haji Burut. It was presented by Doctor Haji Mohd Ali bin Haji Radin, Senior Language Officer at the Language and Literature Bureau; Doctor Sarah Hana binti Haji Ahmad Ghazali, Literature and Culture Expert and Doctor Haji Morshidi bin Haji Muhammad, Recipient of South East Asian Writers Award 2021.

Source: Radio Television Brunei

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