At the phone call, in the atmosphere of mutual understanding, friendship, sincerity and substance, the two Prime Ministers exchanged many practical contents, contributing to consolidating and enhancing political trust; share difficulties, advantages, experiences and discuss solutions to promote bilateral relations in the coming time, especially on socio-economic contents.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh informed about the results of the 13th Party Congress and Vietnam’s foreign policy, which emphasized the preservation and development of traditional friendship and cooperative partnership. the Vietnam – China comprehensive strategy has always been identified by the Vietnamese Party and Government as the top priority and the focus of Vietnam’s foreign policy; Strengthening and developing healthy and effective relations between Vietnam and China is an important factor for the stability and development of each country, contributing to peace, cooperation and development in the region and in the world. world.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh congratulated the Communist Party of China on preparing to celebrate its 100th anniversary and believed that the Chinese people would achieve many great achievements, making positive contributions to maintaining peace and stability. stability, development and prosperity in the region and in the world.

The two Prime Ministers highly agreed that, on the basis of the traditional friendship relationship and the direct direction of the key leaders of the two Parties and countries, led by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. and comrade General Secretary, Chinese President Xi Jinping, along with the efforts of both sides, the two-party relations, the two countries have continued to develop well in all fields over the past time.

The two Prime Ministers exchanged and reached a common understanding on the importance of the traditional friendly neighborly relationship, the comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership between Vietnam and China and measures to strengthen the relationship in the coming time. , such as maintaining regular exchanges and contacts at all levels and levels in a flexible and appropriate form in the current context; improve the quality, efficiency and sustainability of cooperation in the fields of economy, trade and investment; sharing experiences in COVID-19 prevention and control and socio-economic development in each country; closely coordinate at international and regional mechanisms. The two Prime Ministers respectfully invite each other to visit each other at an appropriate time when the epidemic situation is under control.

Discussing the strengthening of substantive cooperation between the two countries, the two Prime Ministers said that in the coming time, the two sides should pay attention to directing in areas such as: Take measures to overcome Vietnam’s trade deficit, increase increase the import of agricultural, forestry, aquatic and seafood products from Vietnam, especially some fruits that are in season such as lychee, mango, dragon fruit, longan…; not to disrupt the supply and production chains between the two countries and internationally; affirming the necessity of promoting the implementation and completion of cooperation projects with China in Vietnam, including the Cat Linh – Ha Dong railway project; suggested that the two sides strengthen cooperation in COVID-19 prevention and control, looking forward to and finding appropriate and effective solutions for China to cooperate and support the implementation of Vietnam’s vaccine strategy;

Regarding the issue at sea, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh suggested making joint efforts to maintain peace, stability, and properly handle the issue at sea in the spirit of high-level common sense and respect for the law, including Public Security. 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, controlling disagreements well and understanding and paying attention to each other’s legitimate and legal interests and rights and context to jointly promote the settlement of East Sea issues under the motto from easy to difficult, not to affect the overall relationship between the two countries. Efforts with ASEAN to actively promote negotiations to build a Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) have made progress, and soon an effective and substantive COC will be achieved.

Premier Li Keqiang congratulated the Communist Party of Vietnam on successfully organizing the 13th National Congress and Vietnam’s achievements in socio-economic development and COVID-19 prevention and control; affirming that the Chinese Party, State Council and people attach great importance to relations with Vietnam and are ready to continue to develop the Vietnam-China friendship and neighborly relations into depth, effectiveness and benefits. practical for the people of the two countries; agreed to strengthen cooperation and support for Vietnam in COVID-19 prevention and control; affirming the importance of Vietnam’s interest and proposals in economic, trade and investment cooperation; He wishes to promote the negotiation mechanisms at sea to make real progress soon, especially efforts to soon reach a Code of Conduct with ASEAN in the East Sea (COC).


Source: Vietnam News Agency

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