Previously, on May 20, 2021, the Inspection Committee of An Giang Provincial Party Committee held its 7th meeting, reviewing many contents, including the review and decision on implementing party discipline against Mr. Tan Buu.

According to the conclusion of the Inspection Committee of An Giang Provincial Party Committee: Mr. Nguyen Tan Buu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Customs Department of An Giang Province, did not comply with the instructions of the competent superior in perform tasks under his/her responsibility; violating the Regulation on inspection of official duties and handling and disciplining civil servants, public employees and employees in the Customs sector; Failure to comply with the order and procedures for handling denunciations as prescribed.

Mr. Nguyen Tan Buu’s violations caused bad public opinion, affecting the reputation of himself and the party organizations and units where he lived and worked.

Considering the content, nature and causes of violations; Based on the Party’s regulations on disciplining party members who violate, the Inspection Committee of An Giang Provincial Party Committee decided to enforce Party discipline against Mr. Nguyen Tan Buu in the form of reprimand.


Source: Vietnam News Agency

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