478 static roadblock operations and 8 integrated operations with other agencies were carried out throughout January to June 2021. As a result of the operations, a total of 9 thousand 42 traffic offences were recorded. The Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary for Transport at the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications as the Secretary of the National Road Safety Council, MKKJR stated the matter during the MKKJR Press Conference, yesterday MORNING. The Press Conference was held at the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications.


Awang Haji Mohd Salihin Bin Haji Aspar said that traffic offences that can be issued compound fines according to the rates stipulated in the Road Traffic Act Schedule, Chapter 68 include driving over the speed limit up to 30 kilometres per hour. If found guilty a compound fine of $50 can be issued for the first offence.  If the offence of speeding is over 30 to 40 kilometres per hour, the compound for the first offence is $100 and if over 40 kilometres per hour a compound of $150 will be imposed for the first offence. For the second and subsequent offences, each offence will be given an additional 100 dollar fine.  For using mobile phones while driving, a compound of $200 will be imposed for the first offence and 400 dollars for the second offence. Meanwhile, the case can be brought to court if the offence occurs for the third time. For the offence of vehicles installed with tinted windows or shades that are not permitted, the compound for the first offence is $50. Meanwhile, the second offence will be imposed a $150 compound and for the third offence, a compound fine of $300. If the offence occurs for the fourth time, a four hundred dollar compound will be imposed and the case can be brought to court. In the meantime, there are also offences involving heavy or public service vehicles, whereby the statistics of such offences are 345 cases with 494 compound fines issued.




Source: Radio Television Brunei

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