The Rites of Sacrifice Ceremony for 1442 Hijrah/2021 will be held at mosques, suraus and religious halls nationwide after the Hari Raya Aidiladha Prayers and on Tasyrik Days. With COVID-19 pandemic control measures in Brunei Darussalam currently at Level 5, the Ministry of Religious Affairs informed that Mosque Takmir Committees intending to hold the Rites of Sacrifice Ceremony are required to adhere to standard operating guidelines or procedures, SOP, set by the Ministry of Health. This is to ensure the safety of the Mosque Takmir Committee and the Rites of Sacrifice participants as well as guests in order to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the country.


Sacrificial animals must be managed by the staff and slaughtered at a designated slaughterhouse. Avoid the overcrowding at the slaughterhouse. In addition, the guidelines to ensure the hygiene and safety of sacrificial meat should be given priority.


The butchers must always maintain cleanliness, wash hands properly, wear gloves and face masks. For a buffalo or cow, it is limited to 45 staff and 2 staff members are the limit for a goat.


Meanwhile, the distribution of sacrificial meat can be carried out at the mosque compound by complying with the set SOP. Members of the Mosque Takmir Committee, Rites of Sacrifice participants and the public should scan the QR code and are encouraged to check their body temperature and sanitize their hands when entering the mosque area. The distribution method can also be done via drive thru.



Source: Radio Television Brunei

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