Finance ministers of France, Germany, Italy and Spain said on June 4 that the world’s leading industrialized countries (G7) could reach an agreement on a minimum corporate tax before the event. out the summit of this group.

According to The Guardian, ministers Bruno Le Maire of France, Olaf Scholz of Germany, Daniele Franco of Italy and Nadia Calvino of Spain think that the G7 can impose an adequate tax on multinational corporations.

For more than four years, the four countries have worked together to build a global tax system suitable for the 21st century and now is the time to reach an agreement, the four ministers said.

British Finance Minister Rishi Sunak attended a two-day meeting on June 4-5 with his counterparts from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the US, ahead of the G7 summit. next week, starring US President Joe Biden .

What is attracting attention are the ambitious plans for a minimum corporate tax, as major economies want multinational corporations to fulfill their responsibilities.

Mr. Biden is calling for a uniform minimum corporate tax rate of 15% in negotiations with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) and the world’s leading group of developed and emerging economies. .

The four ministers mentioned above said that the new US proposal is an important step towards the original proposal of the four countries recognized by the OECD, where the commitment to impose tariffs of at least 15% is a promising start. /.


Source: Vietnam News Agency

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