Youth volunteers with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports have reactivated the contribution via drive-thru on the 9th of September. It aims to provide care for the community when the country was hit by the second wave of COVID-19. It is run by several departments under the ministry and involved youth volunteers.


Pengiran Mohamad Al Nizar bin Pengiran Azahari, Youth Volunteer Coordinator, Ministry of Youth Culture and Sports explained that the drive-thru contribution is based on the drop off concept as a safety measure for the public. He added that basic food necessities such as rice, sugar, canned food and instant noodles are among the items needed and will be distributed to recipients in the four districts.


The public who wish to make contributions can send them to the VIP Main Entrance, Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium Holding Area or contact 833 2212.


Source: Radio Television Brunei

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