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Dissemination Session for Fresh Meat Order

727 gastroenteritis were reported in the past several weeks, mostly among children aged 5 and below compared to 605 cases for the same period last year. The Minister of Health in his keynote address during the Opening of the Dissemination Session for the Fresh Meat Order Amendment, 2020 and Regulations and Public Health Act Food, Chapter 182 Amendment 2020, yesterday morning. According to Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Doctor Haji Awang Mohd Isham bin Haji Jaafar, gastroenteritis is due to infection either viral, bacteria or protozoa in the stomach and intestine causing diarrhea, vomiting, stomachache and fever.


To prevent contamination such as bacteria that can cause food poisoning, the public need to be alert and proactive, particularly stakeholders involved in all levels of the fresh meat supply chain. This include the activity at the slaughtering centre such as animal slaughtering, cleaning, management, temperature at cold food storage, proper temperature for a refrigerated delivery truck and display chiller at supermarket. It is important for the public to know and realise the factors affecting fresh meat quality.


Earlier, Dayang Wong Wai See, Chief Executive Officer BDFA in her welcoming remarks stated that a number of Acts and Regulation under BDFA has been enacted and amended to ensure food safety and quality in the country is guaranteed.


Organised by BDFA, the dissemination session is the beginning of the implementation of the order and act which will be carried out in phases, by giving a grace period so local meat companies can make preparation to fulfil the demand of the Fresh Meat Order Amendment, 2020 and Regulations and Public Health Act Food, Chapter 182 Amendment 2020. More than 120 individuals comprising owners and managers of slaughtering companies, cold storage companies, supermarkets, retail shops and butcher shops participated in the session. Also present was Dato Seri Paduka  Doctor Awang Haji Abdul Manaf bin Haji Metussin, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy for Economy as the Chairman of Brunei Darussalam Food Authority Board of Directors.




Source: Radio Television Brunei


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