The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics, JPES, Ministry of Finance and Economy is currently conducting the Annual Census of Enterprises, ACE 2021. ACE 2021 covers all active companies and businesses in the country and collects information on the type of economic activity, number of employment, revenue and expenditure of the businesses for the reference year 2020. The ACE 2021’s main objective is to collect latest information on an annual basis on the profile and performance of business enterprises in the private sector, particularly the micro, small and medium enterprises, MSMEs.


The ACE 2021 is conducted under the Statistics Act, Chapter 81 from the Laws of Brunei Darussalam. All information collected during the census will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only. The ACE 2021 questionnaires are currently being distributed to all companies and businesses by post, e-mail and visits to business premises by appointed census fieldworkers and can be obtained at JPES’ website.


The closing date for returning the completed questionnaires will be on the 31st of July 2021. According to Section 9 of the Statistics Act for failure or reluctance to give the required information or furnishing false particulars is an offence which carries a penalty of a fine of $4,000. Any query can be referred to JPES as shown.




Source: Radio Television Brunei


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