Abra, Philippines - Members of the Abra Provincial Mobile Force Company (PMFC) of the Philippine National Police (PNP) are leveraging their entrepreneurial spirit by participating in trade fairs to support their scholarship fund for local students. Despite their primary roles as combat operatives, these officers are dedicated to making a significant impact on the education of young individuals in their community.

According to Philippines News Agency, the team crafts and sells various products, including etag (smoked meat), dishwashing liquid, fabric conditioners, and specially designed printed shirts. The proceeds from these sales are entirely allocated to the scholarship fund, demonstrating the officers' commitment to giving back to the community and providing educational opportunities for deserving students.

The Abra police's current beneficiaries include a 24-year-old female civil engineering student from the municipality of Tubo, poised to graduate this year, and a senior high school student. These scholars were identified through the officers' engagements in anti-insurgency internal security operations within the villages of Abra. Dialogues with the community, known as tungtungan, have been instrumental in determining the most effective ways to contribute to ending local communist armed conflicts by supporting education initiatives.

The PMFC's support extends beyond tuition assistance, covering the scholars' boarding house rent, subsistence allowances, school supplies, and other incidental expenses such as field trips. This comprehensive approach to sponsorship underscores the police force's dedication to ensuring the success of their scholars, fostering a path to a brighter future for the students and their families.

Lagua expressed optimism about the graduating engineering student's prospects, hoping that her academic and eventual professional success will uplift her family. Furthermore, the PMFC has extended an offer of assistance should she express interest in joining the police force, highlighting a full-circle opportunity for beneficiaries to contribute to their community's safety and development.

The initiative by the Abra PMFC exemplifies the broader impact law enforcement officers can have within their communities, showcasing their roles as not only protectors but also as benefactors and mentors to the youth.

By admin