78 intending Umrah pilgrims of Darussalam Services Sendirian Berhad, DSSB are reminded to look after their health and use the opportunity to practice the religious deeds as much as possible especially in Rabiulawal, which is the birth month of of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam. The reminder was made during the Umrah briefing and practical held on the 30th September morning.


The intending Umrah pilgrims are divided into two groups. They are scheduled to leave on 4th and 25th of October this year. Through the briefing, Umrah pilgrims can gain knowledge related to Umrah. The talk or tazkirah about Umrah was also held that aimed at strengthening their spirit while performing Umrah, apart from facing challenges while in the holy land. The pilgrims were also given a practical demonstration of performing tawaf and sai’e.



Source: Radio Television Brunei


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