TANAY - The Philippine Army (PA) is considering reforms to the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) program, with plans to make it a mandatory course for college students. This initiative aims to better prepare the youth for possible future services amid regional geopolitical tensions.

According to Philippines News Agency, commanding general of the PA, the revised ROTC program aims to be more than just a graduation requirement and seeks to instill a higher level of discipline in students. This comes in response to increased regional security challenges that might necessitate their involvement. "We are already studying this (ROTC revival) and thinking of ways to improve it," Galido stated during an interview on Friday. He also referenced a recent Pulse Asia survey indicating that 69 percent of Filipinos support reinstating the ROTC as a compulsory program.

The general's remarks were made at the 48th foundation anniversary ceremonies of the 2nd Infantry Division at Camp Capinpin, where he commended the division's personnel for their significant efforts in diminishing the operational capabilities of the New People's Army (NPA), which he described as resorting to terrorist acts to maintain relevance.

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