MANILA - President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has enacted new legislation aimed at enhancing and modernizing the Philippine salt industry, in an effort to promote rural development and national self-sufficiency in salt production.

According to Philippines News Agency, the law, designated as Republic Act (RA) 11985 or the Philippine Salt Industry Development Act, was signed into law by President Marcos on March 11. Spanning 23 pages, the legislation outlines comprehensive measures to provide salt farmers with the necessary technological, research, financial, production, and marketing support. The objective is to rejuvenate the salt sector, increase production levels, ensure national self-sufficiency, and position the Philippines as a future exporter of salt.

Further stipulations of RA 11985 include the creation of a five-year strategic plan to revitalize and modernize the industry. This plan will align with the goals set forth in RA 8172, also known as An Act for Salt Iodization Nationwide, ensuring continued implementation and integration of efforts.

The new act also mandates the establishment of a Salt Council, which will be responsible for the cohesive and integrated execution of the industry's roadmap. This council will aim to fast-track the modernization and industrialization of the salt sector in the Philippines and will be co-chaired by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Trade and Industry. Moreover, representation on the council will include cooperative members selected by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, drawing from nominees across the regions of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

Highlighted as a priority by the President through the Legislative Executive Development Advisory Council, the Philippine Salt Industry Development Act is set to become effective 15 days after its full publication in the Official Gazette or in two newspapers with nationwide circulation.

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