Health Screening Programme for Longhouse Occupants
As a contribution to the community, Bandar Seri Begawan Lions Club and Belait Lions Club are conducting a free Health Screening Programme for longhouse residents in rural areas in trhe Temburong District. The programme aims to raise awareness on the importance of health care.
The Health Screening Programme targets the residents of Kampung Sibut Longhouse in Temburong District. It is one of the strategies of Bandar Seri Begawan Lions Club and Belait Lions Club since its inception to reach out to the community with charitable activities. In collaboration with the Kampung Sibut Consultative Council, the programme successfully brought together more than one hundred longhouse occupants to undergo health check-ups and obtain information on measures to prevent non-communicable diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and cancer.
Apparently, the information shared during this charity activity was very beneficial to the longhouse occupants in particular. Hopefully, such an activity will continue to be held to further raise public awareness of the importance of maintaining health because prevention is better than cure.
Source: Radio Television Brunei
Well done! This article provides a lot of value.