In line with the identity of the Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Mosque as ‘ Raudhah al- Zikr’, the mosque held a Closing Ceremony of the Halaqah Zikir for Officers and Staff of the Government and Private Sectors 2022, yesterday.

The Halaqah Zikir was led by officers of Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Mosque. The ceremony was also filled with a mass Sunat Hajat prayer, reading of Al-Quran verses and selected Zikir, a short talk and the reading of a Special Supplication. Organised by the Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque Takmir Committee, the programme is hoped to be able to achieve the goals and objectives towards strengthening the faith of the participants and for Brunei Darussalam, especially the government departments and private companies to always be blessed by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.



Source: Radio Television Brunei

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