Legal Issues

Building Control Order

Two businesses were issued with the Notice to Vacate the Premises Unit during a joint inspection conducted by the Authority for Building Control and Construction Industry, ABCi with related building control agencies.

Dil’s Cafe and Indian Delights Restaurant have been issued with the Notice to Vacate the Premises Unit as stated under Section 16(i)(a), Building Control Order, 2014. The inspection found that the companies have carried out renovations without obtaining the Occupation Permit, OP. If found guilty, the companies can face a fine of not more than $20,000, imprisonment of not more than 6 months OR both.

Owners, operators and tenants of building units/ premises are reminded to comply with the Building Control Order 2014, Building Control Regulations 2014, standards and guidelines that are currently running for any renovation works and additions to units / premises by appointing A Qualified Person who is legally registered and has a Practicing Certificate under the Architects, Professional Engineers and Surveyors Board, Ministry of Development and the construction works must be carried out by Contractors who have valid registration under the Ministry of Development as well as the appropriate work category.

Source: Radio Television Brunei

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