According to the representative of the Railway Project Management Board (the investor of the North-South railway upgrade project), due to the location of the bomb near the railway bridge, it is necessary to review and put the bomb away. other treatment, cannot be handled on the spot because if the bomb explodes, it will cause the construction to collapse. Due to the complex nature, it is necessary to wait for the professional force of the army to arrive, and the relevant agencies and units to agree on the handling plan.

“The plan has been agreed and is being implemented. If it is favorable, it will be finished at 12pm tonight, otherwise, we will have to wait more,” said a representative of the railway project management board.

Currently, the railway industry has rented passenger cars from neighboring areas to Dong Le and Kim Lu stations to transport passengers between the two trains.

It is expected that the Thong Nhat trains SE7 and SE8 departing at 2 stations in Hanoi and Saigon on the morning of June 5 will be 2 hours behind the announced train time.

Earlier, as reported, in the early afternoon of June 4, at km 429+750, Kim Lu – Dong Le compartment of the North – South railway line (Tien Hoa district, Quang Binh province), while under construction. upgrading the North – South railway, the construction unit discovered that there was a bomb deep in the ground at a position about 1 m from the railway bridge, so the construction was stopped.

The railway industry immediately blockaded this area. Therefore, train SE8 arrives at Dong Le station at 14:36 ​​with 107 passengers; SE7 train to Kim Lu station with 124 passengers had to stop and wait for traffic to clear.


Source: Vietnam News Agency

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