ASEAN and Japan STOM Leaders’ Conference
The status of implementation for projects under the ‘ASEAN-Japan Transport Partnership’, AJTP Framework for the consideration of the ASEAN and Japan Transport Ministers were discussed during the 19th ASEAN and Japan Senior Transport Officials Meeting, STOM Leaders’ Conference. The conference held yesterday via video conference was attended by Haji Mohammad Nazri bin Haji Mohammad Yusof, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications. It was co-chaired by Mr. Chheing Pich, Director-General, General Department of Logistics, Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Cambodia as the Chairman of the ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting, STOM for 2021 and Mr. Yamagami Noriyoshi, Director-General for International Affairs, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, MLIT Japan.
During the conference, Mr. Nakamura Fumihiko, Project Professor at University of Tokyo delivered the speech titled ‘New transport mobility in terms of the society of the post COVID-19’ which emphasised the need to promote less car dependent sustainable urban mobility, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic experience and associated lifestyle changes.
The 19th ASEAN and Japan STOM Leaders’ Conference was held in preparation for the 20th ASEAN and Japan Senior Transport Officials Meeting as well as the 19th ASEAN and Japan Transport Ministers Meeting which will be held in November. The meeting was also attended by Awang Haji Mohd.Salihin bin Haji Aspar, Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary for Transport.
Source: Radio Television Brunei