148 new COVID-19 cases were confirmed in the country yesterday, bringing the total number to 3,831.


The Minister of Health said two new clusters detected bringing the total number of active clusters to 58. The new clusters are 3788 Cluster which contains 7 cases; and 3598 Cluster which contains 4 cases. Both the new clusters include cases that were previously reported as cases for which the source of infection has not been identified. There are 37 additional new cases to 16 of the existing active clusters. The cases in these active clusters are individuals who are currently being quarantined and were found to be in contact with several confirmed cases. Meanwhile, 100 cases are still being investigated to determine the source of the infection.


Contact tracing for all these new cases is currently ongoing. All identified close contacts are required to undergo mandatory quarantine and RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 test.  In the meantime, 164 cases have recovered today, whereby this total includes 106 positive cases from Category 1 that have undergone self-isolation for 14 days at their respective homes. All of them have undergone second swab tests on Day 12 and have been confirmed recovered. With that, the total number of recovered cases in Brunei Darussalam has increased to 2,313, whereas the total number active cases are 1,497. Among the active cases, eight cases are in critical condition, in which seven cases require assistance of artificial ventilation. One case still requires the help of an additional heart/lung machine, ECMO. Meanwhile, 28 cases that were categorised in Category 4 are now admitted to the Intensive Care Unit for close monitoring. Meanwhile, two cases have safely given birth via surgery on the 8th of September 2021. Both mothers and their newborns are in good condition. In the past 24 hours, a total of 4,491 samples have been tested for the SARS-CoV-2 virus which brings the total number of laboratory tests conducted since January 2020 to 264,580.




Source: Radio Television Brunei


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