MARIKINA - The local government of Marikina City has announced its readiness to combat the anticipated effects of the El Niño phenomenon, ensuring an adequate water supply for its residents. Mayor Marcelino Teodoro, in a recent phone interview, detailed the city's strategies, which include the utilization of water harvesting facilities in public schools and the operation of six deep well systems integrated with Manila Water's infrastructure. These measures aim to secure a continuous water supply amidst potential allocation reductions or rationing.

According to Philippines News Agency, Marikina's approach involves recycling rainwater and leveraging advanced deep well systems that are directly connected to Manila Water's pipelines, ensuring both sustainability and reliability in water supply. This initiative is part of the broader national effort to address the challenges posed by El Niño, as underscored by President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.'s signing of Executive Order No. 53 on January 19. The order aims to streamline and reconstitute the task forces previously established under Executive Orders and Memoranda to develop comprehensive disaster preparedness and rehabilitation plans for both El Niño and La Niña phenomena.

National Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. and Science and Technology Secretary Renato Solidum have been appointed as chairpersons of the task force. Their mandate includes crafting interventions to assist the public in coping with and minimizing the adverse effects of these weather conditions. Mayor Teodoro highlighted the importance of a coordinated response at both national and local levels, emphasizing the need for collaboration and the revitalization of existing networks to effectively manage the impact of El Niño.

With the state weather bureau projecting El Niño to peak between March and May, Marikina's proactive measures reflect a commitment to safeguarding its community through well-planned and holistic interventions.

By admin