​Peace and prosperity are Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala’s precious blessings. With peace and prosperity, religion may be preserved, progress may be generated and security may be experienced. Hence, the pillars of peace must be preserved and protected by holding fast to Islamic teachings, complying with national laws and living in harmony and unity. The matter was among the content of yesterday’s Friday Sermon titled, Grateful for the Blessings of Peace and Prosperity.


In order to eradicate and prevent crime in the country, among the government security agencies that are entrusted and held accountable is the Royal Brunei Police Force. Therefore, the last 1st of January was the Royal Brunei Police Force’s 102nd Anniversary, where the challenges of the modern environment have demanded the force to formulate a collective planning process in an effort to evaluate various alternatives through the formulation of the best strategy to help realize the Wawasan Brunei 2035. The Royal Brunei Police Force indeed practices an open attitude and appreciates any feedback from the public in fighting crime from happening. Therefore, we as the country’s citizens and residents should join hands and help the police in combating crime by providing information to the police on criminal activities in order to maintain the peace and well-being of our country.



Source: Radio Television Brunei