The Islamic calligraphy art or Khat has an important role in Islam. With aesthetic and artistic values, Islamic calligraphy also acts as a medium for disseminating da'wah or propagation. To ensure that it continues to grow, the young generation needs to be given extensive exposure to Islamic calligraphy art.

Awang Hamdy bin Emran, Assistant Officer at Islamic Calligraphy and Art Study Centre, Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah is one of the youth who uphold the Islamic calligraphy art as a great national treasure. Due to his concern that Islamic calligraphy engraved on the walls of mosques may have any mistakes, Awang Hamdy is determined to learn and further refine his calligraphy art.

Producing Islamic calligraphy art can train one's patience and show the precision of the writer. The beauty of Islamic calligraphy art will attract all viewers and increase their love towards the Qur'anic verse.

Source: Radio Television Brunei

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