​Following the 10th ASEAN-United States Summit, His Majesty then attended the ASEAN-Canada Commemorative Summit. At the Summit, His Majesty in a titah highlights that this year marks the 45th anniversary of ASEAN-Canada Dialogue Relations. In moving towards a strategic partnership, Brunei Darussalam looks forward to increasing cooperation with Canada. His Majesty also highlights that the COVID-19 pandemic had shown the importance of enhancing cooperation in food security. In this regard, His Majesty welcomes capacity-building programmes and sharing of best practices in agricultural technology to ensure the region is better prepared. On the launching of the ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement negotiations in 2021, His Majesty highlights that this sends a positive signal of ASEAN-Canada shared belief in an open, rules-based trading system. Therefore, His Majesty looks forward to the conclusion of negotiations at the earliest, which will help build sustainable growth and bring Canada strategically closer to ASEAN. Meanwhile, His Excellency Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, in his statement acknowledged the growth of ASEAN and Canada relations throughout the past 45 years that has led to strengthened engagements in the region. This includes negotiations on the establishment of the ASEAN-Canada Free Trade Agreement, which will allow Canadian businesses to enter markets in Southeast Asia.

At the Summit, Leaders welcomed Canada’s forthcoming strategy on the Indo-Pacific, and in turn underscored the importance of mitigating multi-faceted challenges on the economy as well as promoting human resource development through investment in education. At the end of the Summit, the ASEAN-Canada 45th Anniversary Commemorative Summit Joint Statement was issued.



Source: Radio Television Brunei

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