Over 16 thousand visitors were recorded at the ‘Seni untuk Semua’ or Art for All exhibition. Organised by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports through the Department of Community Development, JAPEM, the exhibition was held in conjunction with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.


The exhibition was a platform to showcase the artworks produced by the differently abled in collaboration with the creative works from Pusat Bahagia and associations such as Pusat Ehsan Al-Ameerah Al-Hajjah Maryam, SMARTER Brunei and La Vida. The exhibition also aimed to raise the people’s awareness on the differently abled, and expressed appreciation for their works and skills. At the exhibition, the public were in awe with the works showcased, including the subtlety of the art of making a mosque from rolled paper. The exhibition is extended until the 22nd of January 2023.



Source: Radio Television Brunei