Brunei Darussalam's weather condition is forecast to be active starting TONIGHT until Thursday, 2nd of February. This is due the influence of Northeasterly surge and the formation of low-pressure area over the region, which enhances the development of rain clouds and thus increases rainfall activity in the country.

Brunei Darussalam is still in the first phase of the Northeast Monsoon, where generally unsettled weather conditions with showers or thundershowers are expected to occur especially during the night until early morning. Showers, heavy and thundery at times, are expected with wind gust that may reach up to 50 kilometres per hour during or near heavy showers. Meanwhile, over Brunei waters, sea condition is at moderate to rough state, with wave height of 1 to 3 metres.

Members of the public are advised to take precautionary actions with respect to the forecast active weather conditions. Risk of falling trees and landslide are possible during heavy showers and gusty conditions. There is risk of flash floods especially at low-lying and flood prone areas, as well as near the river banks during heavy rain and also during high tide. Sea condition is also dangerous to all small boat operations, sea recreational activities and sports. The public are advised to always be up to date with the latest weather forecast, advisory and warning issued by the Brunei Darussalam Meteorological Department, BDMD.

For the latest weather information, advisories and warnings, visit, BDMD's Instagram and Facebook, Brunei WX application or Weather Line 114.

Source: Radio Television Brunei

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