UNITED NATIONS, New York - In a notable demonstration of international solidarity, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution aimed at curtailing Islamophobia worldwide. The decision, coinciding with the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, garnered substantial backing, reflecting global commitment to addressing religious intolerance.

According to Philippines News Agency, the "Measures to combat Islamophobia" resolution received overwhelming approval, with 115 nations voting in favor, 44 abstaining, and none opposing. Pakistan, representing the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) members, was at the forefront of advocating for this resolution, emphasizing a collective resolve to confront anti-Muslim sentiments.

The approved resolution outlines several pivotal actions, including the proposal to designate a UN special envoy tasked with countering Islamophobia. It also calls upon member states to enact and enforce measures decisively confronting religious hatred, with a specific focus on anti-Muslim bias. Additionally, the resolution mandates the UN secretary-general to prepare and present a comprehensive report on the global efforts to combat Islamophobia at the upcoming General Assembly session this fall.

This move builds on previous UN initiatives addressing religious disrespect and hatred. Notably, last July, the UN responded to instances of Quran desecration by passing a resolution that explicitly condemns such acts as manifestations of religious hatred, further deeming attacks on the Muslim holy book a breach of international law. This sequence of resolutions underlines a concerted UN effort to foster a climate of respect and understanding across diverse religious traditions, setting a legal and moral precedent for future actions to safeguard religious sanctity.

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