Informative Community Programme

Various activities aimed at disseminating the progress of the government's efforts to improve the standard of living and inspire the community were organised throughout the two-day informative community programme.

45 muslimahs from Kampung Keriam Mosque, Kampung Sinaut Mosque, Pengiran Anak Isteri Pengiran Anak Sarah Mosque, Kampung Sungai Kelugos and Kampung Kupang Mosque attended the programme. Yesterday, the programme was filled with talks on history and introduction of the Department of Information and Darussalam Enterprise, DARe, titled, ''Peranan Dare Dalam Membangun Perusahaan Mikro, Kecil dan Sederhana'' or Role of Dare in Building Up Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. The programme was held at the Information Department in Lapangan Terbang Lama, Berakas.

Source: Radio Television Brunei