Manila: DMW Urges Ships to Avoid High-Risk Areas Amid Piracy Threats

MANILA - The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) has recommended to the International Bargaining Forum (IBF) that areas targeted by pirates be declared war-like zones.

According to Philippines News Agency, this would encourage ships to divert their routes away from the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, areas known for piracy.

Cacdac mentioned at the Saturday News Forum in Quezon City that many ships are already diverting their routes, affecting commerce. The IBF, which includes the International Transport Workers' Federation and international maritime employers, will consider this recommendation. Cacdac also noted that seafarers have the option to refuse to cross these dangerous waters by signing a "right to refuse sailing" form. DMW data shows that 25 seafarers have exercised this right, and they are protected from discrimination and blacklisting, with provisions for reassignment or repatriation.

Cacdac also acknowledged the assistance of Singapore Airlines to five Filipinos injured during severe turbulence on a flight on May 21. He assured that the Philippine government is ready to assist the injured Filipinos. Additionally, he addressed concerns for Filipinos in Taiwan amid renewed tensions with China, stating that ongoing communications are in place with the Manila Economic and Cultural Office, Filipino communities, and the labor representative in Taiwan.