Borongan City Leverages Miss Philippines Earth for Tourism and Environmental Awareness

BORONGAN CITY—The participation of Miss Philippines Earth 2024 contestants in Borongan City has provided significant benefits to the local tourism sector and has enhanced efforts towards environmental awareness, according to city officials. Mayor Jose Ivan Dayan Agda expressed his gratitude to Carousel Production for selecting the capital of Eastern Samar as the venue to emphasize the region's commitment to environmental protection.

According to Philippines News Agency, the Miss Earth Beachwear competition, which took place at Baybay Beach on Thursday evening, serves as a vital platform to increase public consciousness about protecting natural resources. He highlighted the importance of involving youth in the city’s programs, particularly those focused on climate adaptation.

The event saw the arrival of 29 pageant candidates on April 22. Makati City's Sam Samara, who donned a creation by Cathy-Mora Capistrano, secured the gold medal among the competitors. Samara is also recognized as a leading contender for this year's Miss Philippines Earth title. Meanwhile, Miss Philippines Earth Iligan Kristel Codas took the silver medal, and Miss Philippine Earth Matanao, Davao Del Sur Irha Mel Inutan Alfeche claimed the bronze.

The mayor also acknowledged the support of the Eastern Samar provincial government in hosting the competition. In the days leading up to the beachwear event, the contestants participated in various recreational and community-oriented activities. They visited Ando and Divinubo Islands, engaging in diving and other water sports, and toured the Hebacong Sea of Clouds—a local sight known for its stunning cloud formations that resemble a sea.

Additionally, the participants visited San Mateo village, where they engaged in a reading session with students at the San Mateo Elementary School and learned bamboo potting from city environmental officials. They also interacted with local coco coir makers in San Gabriel village, learning the craft and discussing with the community.