Sincerity – An Admirable Attribute

Sincerity in linguistic means sincerity of the heart, purifying the heart and intentions. While in terminology means performing acts of worship with the intention only for Allah S.W.T, in order to gain His pleasure. The matter was among the content of yesterday's Friday Sermon titled, Sincerity - An Admirable Attribute.

The prayer leader said that sincerity is the mother of all praiseworthy qualities. This is because morality itself means behaviour that is born without being forced and natural. Therefore, all good deeds must be centred and intended for Allah SWT. Some of the main characteristics of sincerity are, Happy with Allah S.W.T's bestowals upon others, not deceived by man's praise, evaluating own shortcomings more than that of others, avoiding fame and endeavours to conceal personal virtuous deeds.

Source: Radio Television Brunei