Religious Forum

The Festive Stage Performances in conjunction with His Majesty's 77th Birthday Celebration continued on 28th July night, with Religious and Cultural events.

In Temburong District, the Festive Stage was enlivened with a Religious Forum titled 'Raja Berdaulat, Negara Berkat'. Present was Pengiran Muhammad Ameer Mubarak bin Pengiran Haji Hashim, Temburong District Officer. The forum was organised by the District and Village Consultative Council of Zone 1, Temburong District.

The performance of Irama Wira Bangsa organised by Wira Bangsa Group enlivened the Festive Stage in Tutong District. The event coincided with the launch of Wira Bangsa Logo by Awang Mohammad Sufian bin Haji Basri, Acting Tutong District Officer. Also present was a Member of the Legislative Council.

The festive stage in Brunei Muara District was enlivened with Tazkirah Competition; Tausyeh, Hadrah and poetry performances. It was conducted by the Student Affairs Division, Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College, KUPU SB.

Meanwhile, the Dance Competition for government primary schools enlivened the festive stage in Belait District. The event was organised by the Belait District Schools Department.

Source: Radio Television Brunei