
Preschool Pupils Begin Education Journey Across the Nation

Anggerek Desa: Over 2,700 children aged 5 have been registered for pre-schools throughout the country, with over 110 government primary schools offering pre-school classes. As part of preparation to help children adapt to the school environment, the Ministry of Education through the Early Childhood Education Unit, Department of Schools has implemented several initiatives. This includes the Preschool Orientation Program for New Preschool Children in 2025, the Staggered Entry and Registration Program for Preschool Children, as well as the Preschool Assistant Teacher Volunteer Program 2025. RTB crew took a closer look at the first day of preschool atmosphere nationwide.

According to Radio Television Brunei, in Brunei Muara District, 52 preschool pupils are enrolled in Katok ‘B’ Primary School. Preschool teachers play a role in ensuring the pupils can adapt to the school environment. Preparation for various activities has been made as early as November last year.

The Compulsory Education Act 2024 mandates that children at the age of 5 must attend school, especially citizens and residents of Brunei Darussalam.

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